Tips for cleaning volcanic ash on your property

Consejos para limpieza de ceniza volcánica en propiedades

Consejos para limpieza de ceniza volcánica en propiedades

Due to recent volcanic activity, properties have been affected by falling ash.  Follow these guidelines on how to clean volcanic ash.

Property exterior:

Volcanic ash is slippery.  Be careful when going up and down stairs or walking on roofs.

Moisten the ashes with water before cleaning. This will prevent the wind from spreading them.

Most roofs can sustain up to 10cm of ash.  Make sure to clear the ash if you have more than 10cm.


Use a mask when cleaning so you dont inhale the ash.

Do not rub surfaces with towels because they may be scratched.

Use a vacuum cleaner or moist towels to wipe surfaces.

Use a dustless method of cleaning such as washing with water and an effective detergent/wetting agent. Damp rag techniques or vacuuming should be used whenever possible. After vacuuming, carpets and upholstery may be cleaned with a detergent shampoo. Avoid excess rubbing action because the sharp ash particles may cut textile fibers.

Use anti-static wipes to clean wood.

Brush and  shake clothing before washing.

Use a damp towel to clean hard surfaces.

Humedecer los depósitos de cenizas gruesas en suelos duros y colocar en bolsas (evite barrer la ceniza en seco).
Clean your computer, TV and radio equipment using a vacuum cleaner or compressed air. Switch off the main power supply to the machine before carrying out this operation.

For several months after an ashfall, filters may need replacing often. Air conditioner and furnace filters need careful attention. Clean refrigerator air intakes. Clean any surface that may blow air and recirculate the ash. Stove fans and vents should be cleaned thoroughly.

